通读Ahrefs博客 中文版本:https://ahrefs.com/zh/seo 英文版本:https://ahrefs.com/seo (如果可以,尽量看英文原版,有时候翻译会失真) 其余博客推荐 还有时间的情况下,看一看这些博客, https://backlinko.com/ https://diggitymarketing.com/ 论坛推荐 广告中国SEO板块:https://www.advertcn.com/forum-48-1.html BHW: https://www.blackhatworld.com/ 如何获取外链列表? 普通Web2.0等,直接去fiverr.com搜索关键字,找他们要site list
WeTransfer is the simplest way to send your files around the world. Share large files and photos. Transfer up to 2GB free. 官网:https://wetransfer.com/ Transfers uploaded outside of a WeTransfer account will stay online for 7 days, and after that date, they’ll… Continue Reading →
今天听视频,发现了一个挺好的视频,Ahrefs官方Youtube频道讲解了4个优质的文章模版。 其中内容部分,没有详细的听, 暂时只听了标题部分,先只整理了标题部分。 现在看看以前自己写的博客的标题,直接不忍直视,比如How to use iPhone? 然后就没有然后了,光秃秃的4个单词,一点吸引力没有,自己都不想去看。要不Rankmath经常提示标题没有Power Word是很有道理的。 Ahrefs这个视频讲解的标题感觉不错,整理了整理。 1. List Posts ( Listicles ) Blog posts that contain non-chronological lists Template XX Ways to [Desired outcome] XX [Topic] Tips [Benefit or Desire] XX [Type] Tools [Benefit or Desire]… Continue Reading →
如何查找免费可以提交Guest Post的网站?搜索如下关键词: Your Keyword “guest post” Your Keyword “write for us”Your Keyword “guest article” Your Keyword “guest post opportunities” Your Keyword “this is a guest post by” Your Keyword “contributing writer” Your Keyword “want to write for” Your Keyword “submit… Continue Reading →
Google Search Console -> Shopping -> Merchant Listings : Critical error: Missing field “priceType” (in “offers.priceSpecification”) Items with this issue are invalid. Invalid items are not eligible for Google Search’s rich results 有两个站,一个站没有报这个错误,另一个站报这个错误了,是Schema中少了一个priceType。但是两个站的设置没有发现不一样的地方,奇怪了。 谷歌论坛提问的:https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/179252156/i-am-getting-error-in-my-merchant-listing-which-says-missing-field-pricetype?hl=en Yoast SEO提问的:https://wordpress.org/support/topic/critical-error-missing-field-pricetype/ Rank Math提问:https://wordpress.org/support/topic/critical-error-missing-field-pricetype-in-gsc/
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